Saturday 10 May 2014

Evaluation - Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation - Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Evaluation - Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Evaluation - Question 1 - Film Magazine Cover

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Film Magazine Cover

Evaluation - Question 1 - Film Poster

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Film Poster

This PowerPoint analysis also covers my influences, explaining what conventions I followed and my justifications for doing so.

Evaluation - Question 1 - Film Trailer

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Film Trailer

Friday 9 May 2014

Enclosed Trailer - Focus Group Feedback

As part of our audience feedback, we asked our target audience to watch our official completed film trailer and answer a questionnaire we produced for them. We asked a total of 9 people during this survey, whom did not have to disclose their identities so it would be a confidential survey, but were only asked for their gender and age. These are their answers.

Question 1:
Please list 5 shots/scenes that were the most memorable.

Rape scene
Gas mask/table card scene
Boy reacting violently scene
The hanging scene
Doctor argument scene
Train scene
Patient "Shhhh" scene
Knife to man's throat scene
Baby in bucket scene
Establishing shot
Blood in sink

Altogether, out of the entire trailer, 10 scenes were most recognisable for our target audience. It is clear to see from these scenes that they are all dramatic which would've caused the impact on the audience to stand out to them as the most memorable scenes. The hanging scene was the most memorable scene, which was near the end within the montage, and right at the end before the credits. This could have been due to the explicitly hanging man, and the assumable "innocent" soundtrack in this scene which is a significant contrast between sound and picture, making it extremely creepy. 

Question 2:
How did the trailer make you feel, both physically and emotionally? 

As evident from the answers, they're all positive responses to the film trailer as it is a psychological thriller. It shows that it stands out, and doesn't make the audience "happy" or "careless", and shows it reaches the target audience well.There are both physical and emotional responses to their feelings, and "intrigued" and "on edge of seat" were the most popular responses, which was a great response. There were even responses of the audience feeling "sick" and "distressed" showing that the film trailer made them feel physically rather than just emotionally.

Question 3:
Please give your interpretation of the plot synopsis, and the genre that you think was represented?
1)      Girl raped, baby given to father to turns him into a patient within the mental asylum, when a doctor arrives and helps the patient.
2)      Mental asylum, patients go off the ropes, causing distress to the owner. The baby was possibly brought up in the asylum?
3)      Based in an asylum, mental patients, and abnormal happenings.
4)      Asylum, story based on the young boy.
5)      Mental institute, patients are abused and everything starts getting out of control, whilst trying to reconnect the mother with her son who is the patient.
6)      A nurse is raped by an unknown individual, who then becomes pregnant. Too ashamed about the whole situation, the child then stays in the mental asylum where he is brought up and becomes mental.
7)      Rape in mental hospital results in a baby being given up and raised as a patient.
8)      Mental institute set in the past.
9)      The nurse was raped and her baby grew up in the mental asylum. The baby was not treated very well and had a mental breakdown.

This proved our product successful, as every response we had showed that the audience had understood our trailer's narrative, and had an idea of what was going on, and was not confused or misunderstood.

Question 4:

Would you be interested in seeing the full feature? Please give your reasons why or why not.

Want to know what happens at the end
These responses were very positive for our film trailer product from our target audience, as our target audience proved it was the right choice and they all wanted to see it. This means that our film trailer had gripped the target audience's enough that they would want to see the full feature film, meaning it was successful.

Question 5:
What age group you think our trailer is aimed at? Please give reasons for your answer.

Rape scene
Distressing images
Mental patients
Too complex and scary for younger audience
Characters represent the age target
Directed to men because of aggressive nature, directed to females through the plot

These answers show that 1/3 of our audience thought that it would be a suitable production for 15+ year olds. However, 2/3 of our audience agreed that it would be most suitable for 18+ year olds. The target audience agreed that it would be too complex and scary for a younger audience, and that there were very sensitive scenes such as the rape scene, and a continuity of violence and torture within a mental asylum. One target audience member also agreed that it would be directed towards both males and females, because of the aggressive nature that would appeal to males due to a lot of action being involved, and females because of the narrative, as there is a lot of nurturing and maternal nature within the film. 

Question 6:
How well do you think our trailer compares with real existing film trailers? Please tell us the reasons for your opinion.

1)      It is similar to real horror film trailers and is set up well to look like a real trailer.
2)      Well because it grips the audience.
3)      It had a good, gripping atmosphere but the acting could have been better.
4)      I think it sums up to a real existing trailer. The trailer pointed out some of the main features from the film, just like the real trailer. The trailer is also intriguing just like real life trailers.
5)      It had a good atmosphere, thrilling, keeps you on the edge of your seat, interesting, a bit too long but very informative. Good use of music.
6)      I think this trailer is unique compared to others but would fit in with existing trailers. It is a really good trailer including good transitions/soundtrack.
7)      It was very good. Provided the necessary information for the audience to understand the plot but not enough to give away all the details before watching the whole film.
8)      I think it was really good because like professional trailers it built up the suspect well throughout. I think the atmosphere it created was brilliant.
9)      A bit muddled up at times and needed some fuller explanation, however left me wanting to see more which is more than can be said for most current trailers. 

These responses showed that the majority of people agreed that it would compare well with real existing film trailers, and pointed out parts of the film trailer which could have been improved. This has helped myself and my group to understand how we could've improved it which will help us in the future, as we were grateful for both criticism and positive comments.

This is an example of our survey and target audience member's responses:

This is our audience's reaction to the film trailer. At first it is clear they are having nervous laughs and smirking, but throughout it are gripped and at the end they are truly scared and feel unsettled through what they have just seen.