Thursday 1 May 2014

'Enclosed' - Film Poster

I thought long and hard about the design of my film poster. I wanted an image that had multiple meanings, and that asked lots of questions, without giving too much of the plot away. I also wanted a clever tagline. My main sources for inspiration were the Black Swan and Shutter Island posters.

  This is my progress so far (the main image). For me, when I thought of the film's title, 'Enclosed,' I immediately thought of a keyhole, and the sense of being 'locked in.' The eye through the keyhole idea was also used for our storyboard, inspired by the shot in the film, 'Sucker Punch.' The person that the eye belongs to is meant to be unknown, which leaves the audience questioning. I also wanted a poignant expression, and therefore put soap in my eye to create a 'teared up'-looking effect, which I think works well with the idea that I am trying to portray - that the person behind the keyhole is being contained/enclosed against their will.
  I also painted a cross underneath my eye to create a burn effect. This represents the religious theme in our plot, and as the eye behind the keyhole is unknown, potentially belonging to any of the characters in the film, it suggests that the characters are branded by religion.
  I took the photograph of the door at Patricio church, which is about a 10 minute drive from Abergavenny. It was an extremely atmospheric church, and I feel the wooden door with the rusted details adds to the horror genre. I then removed the keyhole, before layering it on top of the photo of my eye using Adobe Photoshop.

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