Sunday 4 May 2014

Enclosed - Film Poster Draft #3

I've added quite a bit more detail to my poster, and I am content with it, however before I finalise the product I will need to conduct a focus group.

  The main feature that I added to the poster, which in my opinion makes it look professional, is the billing block. I anticipated that this would be quite a quick task, however it took me the best part of two hours to complete.The main reason for this was because of resizing and positioning, however the time I spent was definitely worth it. I am very happy with the final outcome. I based my billing block on the one featured on the Shutter Island poster that I previously analysed. 
  I also added the month of release - December. There was no specific reason for choosing this date, it just happened to be the same as the date on the Black Swan poster that I referred to. I coloured this in red in order for it to stand out from the billing block, as I didn't want it to blend in as one. I have also found that it is usually separate in other, real existing posters.
  Another, common and vital feature that I added was the movie website. I decided to go for, "," as I have found this combination to be conventional.
  I also added the Facebook and Twitter logos, with the hashtag, "#ENCLOSED." This is becoming more and more common with growth of social networking and the younger generation.
  The final few features that I added to the poster were the film company logos, and other conventional symbols, including Dolby Digital and SDDS. I find that these complete the poster, adding to it's professional look, making it appear more legitimate and less amateur.

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