Sunday 4 May 2014

Enclosed - Final Version of the Film Poster

I recently conducted a focus group where I had about 8 people, whom I revealed my film poster, before giving a presentation of my design decisions. Here is the PowerPoint presentation that I showcased to my focus group, which features various decision, a breakdown analysis of my poster as well as a few comparisons with existing film posters.

  After my presentation, I received some very helpful constructive criticism, which helped me to make those final decisions in order to achieve the best mark. Some points raised were:
- The date of release does not suit.
- The tagline, "Bound by the blood of the Father," works, but the white fades in the with main imagine, decaying its impact.
- The colour of the person's skin behind the keyhole is too healthy-looking, which does      not reinforce the genre or the idea I am trying to portray.

  I therefore made the changes to my poster that were suggested, and I am not happy that it is the best it can be, and I have reached the point of completion. Here is a full view of my finished poster.

  The first thing I changed was the skin tone of the main image. I was unfortunately restricted with how much editing I could do, however I did manage to make it a few shades lighter, which adds to the effect, in my opinion.

  I then made the changes to my tagline. I found that the words, bound, blood and Father all stood out in white, and it was the other phrases, 'by the,' and, 'of the,' that fell fell into the cracks of the main image. Therefore, I went with the focus group suggestion, and changed these specific words to a blood red, the same colour as the film title. This not only makes the tagline more prominent, but also reinforces the films genre. I also added a shadow to the tagline, which also makes it more defined and easy to read.

  I also changed the date of release to October. This felt like an obvious decision, as it aligns with the Halloween season - a popular time for psychological horrors.

  Overall, I am fond of the final film poster. I tried to add as many codes and conventions as possible, and thanks to conducting a focus group and extensive research, I think that the poster is the best it could be.

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