Thursday 1 May 2014

Enclosed - Film Poster Draft #2

  This is the second draft of my film poster. As you can see, I have made quite a bit of progress. I added the film title, conventionally in red, symbolising the horror genre, and also in a font inspired by The Nightmare on Elm Street, that in my opinion, is a clearly defining horror font.
  I also added two actor's names, conventionally above the title of the film. Although this isn't always seen on horror film posters, the existing texts that I was referring to for inspiration and design ideas featured cast names, and so therefore I did the same. I used that same font as the title (Trajan Pro), but made the text white, as I feared if red, it would blend in with the title/confuse the audience. I added a name either side of the keyhole as I feel that symmetry is important in a film poster.
  I then added my tagline to my poster. It took lots of brainstorming, but once thought of, I knew that I couldn't use anything else. I wanted the phrase to incorporate all of the different aspects/themes of our storyline, and decided that 'bound' was a word that describes the enclosed characters in our film perfectly. The tagline in full reads, "Bound by the Blood of the Father." This refers to all of the characters being 'bound' in some way, and the reference to blood not only reinforces the genre, but also carries the relation between some of the characters (Cecilia and her Father - the head of the asylum). 'Father,' also has a double meaning. It obviously suggests the Head of the Asylum in the film, the Father of Cecilia, whom brings up Sean as a patient in the institution. However, it also includes the idea of God, and the Father's Catholic beliefs, that he uses to run the mental asylum. 
  I wanted the tagline to fit in one line, and I also wanted the three words, bound, blood and Father to be emphasised. I therefore elongated the text, and doubled up the connective words between the three, most important words.

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