Monday 5 May 2014

CRITIC - Film Magazine

  After doing some research into film magazine covers, as well as carrying my knowledge from last year's studies, I have begun production of my film magazine cover, which will promote our film, 'Enclosed.'
  Here is an image of my progress so far:

  Whilst researching, I found that most film magazine covers feature at least one character from the film it is promoting, and as the issue that I am using as inspiration features one person, I have decided to do the same. I chose to feature our character of Cecilia, who is the victim of rape in a mental asylum where she works as a nurse, and after the attack is sent to a nunnery to have the baby. I found her to be a prominent character, and thought that she symbolises the film. 
  I played with the tagline from my film poster, "Bound by the blood of the Father," and carried it over to the magazine cover, as I planned my main cover line to be, "Bound by blood… Bound by God." This again emphasises the plot of our film, but I thought this shorter version would work better on a magazine cover, as "blood," would be associated with the horror genre, and "God," clearly represents the religious-horror theme.
  I wanted my main image to be as stylistic as possible, and wanted to play with the idea of merging the cover line and the main image. Therefore, I wrote part of the line on the character's face, as the meaning is part of the character. I also drew crosses on her eye lids, which represents the idea that she is blinded by religion, which she is in the plot.
  I could not use a background that was too busy as the overlaying text would 
be hard to read. Therefore I used the same background as my poster, because it is still interesting and represents our film, but is also not too distracting.

  I decided to name the magazine, 'CRITIC,' as it is the purpose of the film magazine - to inform the public of films, reviewing them and advising the audience with 'our' opinions. The font is similar to the font of our film title, and the positioned it to fit the width of the page.

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